RSCSC Recruitment Aptitude test online date is out – The Rivers State Civil Service Commission is by this announcement informing all those who applied for the Civil Service employment by the Rivers State Government that the website for online test opens Friday midnight 16th June and closes Sunday midnight 184 June, 2023.
Rivers State Civil Service Commission Recruitment 2023/2024 Test Update
Applicants are to check The Tide Newspaper of Friday, 16th June, 2023 and to:
i ) Log on to
i) Fill in their application ID to the application field
ii|) Click start to commence the online test
Other relevant guidelines will be made available on the website before the commencement of the online test.
READ – Rivers State Civil Service Recruitment Past Questions & Answers PDF – Free

READ – Rivers State Civil Service Recruitment Past Questions & Answers PDF – Free
Thank God
This text is a scam for rivers state people, please our able rivers state Government please upgrade your cyber, nothing is working on this cyber, almost everybody is complain of error, please help us. Thank you, and God bless. From Israel D. Minanyo
This info is very much okay but my question is how can one be able to answer the questions and where are the questions?
Open of portal for the test is by 12 midnight, and this is after 12 still waiting the portal to open.
I think the website for the aptitude test has to be upgraded,after answering my 1st question i couldn’t proceed,(I could not answer any question again) because the web was redirecting and redirecting till my Tim expired,i only answer 1 question.This is not fair,i think it was program this way,i was given 3mins but i was suprised after it redirected i saw 4mins on my portal,i mean 4mins that that kept the web/portal redirecting.Pls Sir,i would like to give a second trial because i answered only one question due to the website issues…Thankz in anticipation sir… Nwokoegi Promise Chisa
I feel so dismayed over this test, please help us we the grieved one’s. Like i just entered my application ID the next thing it opened then I clicked on the start test, the first question came up, I answered. Only now for me to click the next, I was hung there, it couldn’t bring the second answer the next thing it logged me out, and trying to refresh I was told I can’t take the test again. Please we plead with the government to come to our aid on this, is actually not our fault but the server. Please..
pls how do i start
I login my id number and the Page for me to start the test came up, I click take test I have been waiting only for me to get a massage saying that I have already taken the test whattttt.
Can’t believe my eyes.
It has been submitted automatically.
I don’t really know if someone is actually here to attend to all the messages or is it just to drop a comment n nothing wil be done about it. How wil I log in my application ID, clicked on start, nothing came up….I didn’t see any question neither did I attend anyone only for me to get a notification now that I have done my test… n when??
Please the web is disturbing before the question 2min gone I manage to answer 3 no network after a while open and time off. I will like to take it again when the network is ok. Thanks
Why me! Just to log in and click start test, number 1 question came out, for me to move to the next one so another can open, the next thing I was told that I can’t take a test. Like I don’t understand. Please our government should come to our aid on this. Is really not our fault but that of the server.
Please, i could not answer any questions due to inability to access the sit on time. i will request the date to be extended please.
Please, i could not answer any questions due to inability to access the sit on time. i will request that the date for the test be extended please.
Pls government house should look into this matter except they want us to believe that they already have the names of candidate they wanted and want to disqualify us for no just call,if not how can someone just log into website without seeing question and u are told not to write again becos u have written is it fair
Please I had bad network while writing the aptitude test and I don’t know if my exam went successful please help me and open the site for second chance
This whole test is a pure mess and a total let down on job seekers. after being able to attempt few questions the portal began to show redirecting signals after which a prop came and indicated that i have written my test and i did not even submit the few questions i answered. how do they mark the ones already answered. I suggest the Rivers state government should a leaf from former governor Rotimi Ameachi and do a proper test or organize a good online test @ a proper ICT Centres spread around the state, e.g UST campus so that every applicant can be given equal opportunity. This so called Online test of 3mins is a gregarious SCAM of the millenium.