Plateau State College Of Nursing And Midwifery Admission List 2023/2024 Academic Session. Admission List for Plateau State Nursing and Midwifery is out.
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Plateau State College Of Nursing And Midwifery Admission List
Are you one of the aspiring nurses/midwives who recently attended the interview into the Post-Basic Nursing and Basic Midwifery programmes at Plateau State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Vom? If yes, then here’s some good news for you. The college has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission for the 2023/2024 academic session.
Plateau State College of Nursing Admission List
The admission list has been pasted on the College Notice Board in Vom, JUTH Campus, and Ministry of Health Headquarters, Jos.
All Successful candidates should report to the academic registry of the college for the collection of clearance letters and details of tuition fees and other sundry charges.
In conclusion, congratulations to all the successful candidates who made it to the admission list for the Post-Basic Nursing and Basic Midwifery programmes at Plateau State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Vom. If you didn’t make it to the admission list this time, don’t give up. Keep striving and pursuing your dreams.
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