Five Tips to Pass Employment Assessment or Scholarship Assessment Test/Interview

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  1. Create a calming study environment

It’s something that’s often overlooked, but creating a calming study space will help to improve your mindset and keep you focused. Creating an conducive study environment will help you to study well and focus during studies

If you work in your bedroom, it’s also a good idea to find a way to differentiate study time from your free time. This could be as simple as packing away your laptop and stationery each time you finish a study session, so you’re not tempted to keep chipping away at it when you should be taking a break.

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  1. Surround yourself with positive energy

When it comes to studying, everyone has a different preference. Some like to get lost in music and keep their head down. Others like to gather a group of classmates and tackle it together.

Wherever you derive your energy from, make sure you surround yourself with it.

If you’re studying with others, why not schedule in some time to get away from the library and have a nice lunch or coffee break outside? Having something to look forward to will help to keep your spirits up.

You might also like to take some time out to relax and refocus your energy.

  1. Set realistic achievable goals

When you have a big assignment or exam to study for, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why it’s important to break the project up into smaller, more manageable goals.

Many people find that the best way to do this is to start with the due date and work backward from there. That way you know you’ll know exactly how much time you have.

Be realistic with your time though. If you think it will take you an hour to read a chapter, give yourself a 15-minute buffer, so you don’t start to stress.


  1. Celebrate the small stuff

No matter how busy you get, make sure you find time for breaks and rewards!

To keep you motivated, and to ensure you don’t burn out, you should reward yourself with things you enjoy. This could be as simple as allowing yourself to watch an episode of TV after writing a certain number of words or allowing yourself to go on a picnic with friends after reading a certain number of chapters.

  1. Remember why you’re here




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