NYIF Application Portal 2024/2025 | www.nyif.nmfb.com.ng Login

NYIF Portal is the website for those who wish to apply for NYIF Scheme should login to and register. Do you want to be a part of the beneficiaries of the National Youth Investment Fund (NYIF) Loan?

Then read everything in this article and proceed to NYIF Login Portal and submit your application


NYIF Portal Login 2024/2025

The first thing you should ask yourself before you can register for NYIF is “what is NYIF Portal and how can I login”. Now, National Youth Investment Fund Portal is the website where you and other applicants can register for the programme and also get information and updates about the NYIF scheme. 

So, do not waste time to login to NYIF portal www.nyif.nmfb.com.ng if you are ready to take this opportunity and become one of the many beneficiaries of the Nigeria Youth Investment Fund.

NYIF Application Requirements

Do you know the requirements for applying for NYIF? We’ve got you covered. Here are the requirements needed to register for the Nigerian Youth Investment Fund. We also thought you should know that NYIF has requirements for both businesses and individuals. These are the requirements for NYIF Loan:

  1. You must be between ages of 18-35 Years of Age.
  2. You must have a Valid National Identity Card.
  3. Your BVN is needed on the portal.
  4. Summary of your Business Plan should be Uploaded.
  5. Your Current Phone Number and Email Address

How to Apply/Register for NYIF Loan

To apply for the Nigerian investment Fund (NYIF) loan, just visit www.nyif.nmfb.com.ng and click on register. NYIF Portal is closed for now so wait until the Federal Government reopens the portal then you can apply online.

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