Npower Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 | The List of Succesful candidates has been uploaded on the NPower website. Below are the Steps to follow to check your status.
Npower Shortlisted Candidates
We have outlined the step-by-step procedures on how to access the shortlisted portal. So read on to know how to check the Npower 2023/2024 shortlisted candidates.
How to Check Npower Shortlisted Candidates
To check Npower shortlisted names of candidates 2023, you will have to follow the instructions on this page. Firstly Npower batch c shortlisted candidates includes all the names of the candidates that have passed through the final selection process and will eventually be deployed to their final place of primary assignment. To check your name among Npower shortlist, do the following:
- Login to
- Fill in your NASIMS ID and Password and then click on Enter.
- Navigate to the shortlisted candidates tab and click on it.
- If you have been shortlisted, a congratulatory message will pop up.
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Civil Defence Shortlisted Candidates
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