ENaira: Download, Signup, Login & E-Naira App Usage

ENaira is a digital version of Nigeria’s currency, Naira and the first e-currency in Africa.  E-Naira Registration – ENaira app Download – How to Register for E-Naira wallet | E-Naira wallet Login. Where to start is to download the e-Naira app from Google Play Store, apple store or enaira official website.

Note that after requesting the app, you may be asked to verify your identity by entering your passcode or by using Touch ID or Face ID.

From the Home screen, tap the App store. If the e-Naira Speed Wallet app isn’t available on your home screen, swipe left to access the App Library. To install apps, you must sign in with your Apple ID or create one. To browse the App Store, tap Apps To search for apps by name, tap search (at the bottom) then type e-Naira Speed Wallet’s app. When the app appears, tap the app. Tap GET, then tap INSTALL. Once successful downloaded, launch the e-Naira Speed Wallet. Click on “Signup” to commence the onboarding process.

Select your Relationship bank/e-Naira Partner. Enter mobile number and create password.

Enter the following: First name, Surname, Date of birth, State of Origin, Account number tied to your Bank, and BVN.On successful validation, of the above details, a wallet activation mail is sent to the email address tied to your BVN.

Go to registered mailbox and confirm receipt of email.

Click on “Active Wallet” to confirm your email and activate your speed e-Naira Wallet.
Enter your surname and password to login to the e-Naira Speed Wallet.

To Fund the e-Naira Wallet, log in to your bank Mobile/Internet Banking platform and initiate the transfer to your wallet and your E-Naira wallet will be credited with the amount requested from your account to your wallet.

Click here to Download eNaira App


E-Naira Meaning – What is E-naira? 

E-naira is an electronic form of Naira which is a legal tender equal to the value of the Naira. Unlike other Cryptocurrencies that does not have a central regulation, The e-Naira would be regulated by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

ENaira Website Portal Login @ www.enaira.gov.ng Registration

ENaira portal login procedures is here. If you want to login to e-naira website, then visit www.enaira.com and provide your login details to access your ENaira dashbaord. Here is a full step guide for E-naira registration website login guidelines:

  1. Download the E-Naira App or Visit www.enaira.gov.ng

  2. Click on Register

  3. An invitation code will be sent to you from your bank.

  4. Enter your BVN, NIN and other information required of you.

  5. Upload your Passport Photograph.

  6. Once completed, click on submit.

  7. You will be notified by your Bank. You can now login to your Enaira wallet.

ENaira Wallet Login

You can login to your enaira wallet and also you can register as an Enaira merchant still on the website www.enaira.gov.ng or you can download Enaira apk online and follow the same guidelines we provided to you earlier.


How to Fund eNaira Wallet: eNaira Fund Wallet – enaira.gov.ng

Types/Categories of eNaira Funding

There are three different types or categories of funding your enaira wallet/account. The include

  1. Individual E-Naira Funding

  2. Business Enaira funding

  3. Government MDAs enaira funding


How to Fund E-Naira Wallet/Account

INDIVIDUAL E-NAIRA FUNDING: The Individual funding includes

Funding your eNaira wallet from the same Bank used during enaira sign up or registration

  • Login into your regular bank app

  • Initiate transfer to your eNaira wallet tied to the bank account on that bank.

  • Get notification on your eNaira wallet.

Funding your eNaira wallet from an account in a different Bank

  • Login to your regular bank app

  • Initiate transfer to your eNaira wallet by selecting your eNaira wallet (tied to the other bank different from the fund source).

  • Get notification for the alert in your e-wallet.

Cash to eNaira Wallet Funding

  • Cash holder hands over cash to an eNaira verification agent/Bank branch/SANEF.

  • Agent login to eNaira wallet.

  • Transfer cash equivalent to consumer’s eNaira wallet.

  • Fund owner receive notification.

Carrying out Foregin Exchange deposit to your eNaira wallet

  • Diaspora regular account holder log in to your customer FX bank account (e.g., HSBC).

  • Transfer funds into International Money Transfer Operators’ (IMTO) FX bank account (e.g., Barclays, Western Union).

  • Login to your IMTO eNaira wallet.

  • Transfer from IMTO eNaira wallet to consumer eNaira wallet.

  • Beneficiary receive notification.


Paying a Merchant/Business

  • You login into your eNaira wallet HERE.

  • Initiate transfer to merchant eNaira wallet.

  • Merchant receives notification of transfer.



Citizens Paying Fee/Due to Government MDAs

  • Login to your eNaira wallet HERE.

  • Initiate transfer to eNaira wallet of MDA (Ministries, Departments and Agencies) of Government.

  • MDA receive notification.

1 thought on “ENaira: Download, Signup, Login & E-Naira App Usage”

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