1. Formal Loan Application on Letterhead
2. Duly completed Loan Application Form.
3. Feasibility Study Report on the project to be financed stating write-up on technology and manufacturing process(s), etc.
4. Quotation/Proforma Invoice for the supply of items of Machinery and Equipment. Sources and quotations for Raw Materials expressed in quantity and amount.
5. Security: Bank Guarantee, a letter of intent for Bank Guarantee (with Risk Management being part of the authorized signatories) of the commercial bank issuing the guarantee. Any exception should be supported with the Bank’s approval limits. OR
Legal Mortgage
– Photocopy of the title document(s) to the property being pledged e.g Statutory Certificate of Occupancy/Deed of Assignment/Conveyance/Deed of sublease
– Valuation Report on the Property Proposed as Security from BOI’s accredited value
– Lease agreement, if operating from a rented premises.
6. A copy of the draft Technical, Management, Machinery Supply and/or Joint Venture Agreement (where applicable).
7. Three years’ Audited Financial Accounts and most recent Management Account from a BOI accredited auditors (for an existing business) OR Statement of Affairs (for business less than one (1) year)
8. Company’s Bank Statement for a period of one (1) year
– The output of the process is the offer letter.
– Two options are proposed for this stage as shown below.
9. Regulatory approvals e.g NAFDAC certificate, Mining Lease
10. Declaration of Outstanding Liabilities to other Institutions and/or Individual
If a loan a loan is approved, the next and that last part of the process is disbursement. Before disbursement can begin, the documents below must be submitted